
Individual Executive Coaching
This is a one-on-one, six to 12-month process. We meet with the executive, manager and human resources representative to identify the goals and objectives for the engagement. In addition, we use structured interviews with the coaching client’s key stakeholders and personality and behavioral assessments, including the Hogan Suite to get a clear picture of the executive’s organizational reputation. Then we work with the coaching client to create a narrative action plan, which offers specific and actionable steps to take to address any areas of opportunity, often by leveraging strengths.

Team Coaching
This one to two-year process includes individual coaching and team development elements. The first step is to do an assessment of team functioning. We also conduct individual team member coaching sessions to supplement quarterly team meetings.

Group Coaching
This approach differs from team coaching in that participants come from several teams or parts of the organization. The length of this programs varies but it generally lasts six to 12 months. We use an assessment to identify topics the participants want to work on and then design the sessions based on that feedback. Group coaching sessions are more flexible, too. While the topics identified by participants make up the theme of the sessions, our facilitators go where the discussions take them. Group coaching is also a hybrid model that pulls from elements of executive coaching, organizational development and group processes. Sessions can be delivered in person, online or both.

Leader as Coach
In our experience, the skills that leaders bring to their work vary widely. Some have had wonderful training and thoughtful mentors to help them apply what they have learned. Others have a natural affinity for guiding and developing others. But many have had very little formal training and little to no mentoring. This has left many leaders with a very thin repertoire of leadership behaviors. It is easy to understand how this has come about. Most leaders rise through the ranks by being good at their jobs and completing projects and other works tasks quickly and well. But leadership, is about getting things done through others, not doing everything ourselves. It is a skillset that needs to be taught and embedded in an organizational system. Due to the unrelenting demands on everyone’s time, leadership development does not happen unless it is made a priority. It can no longer be left to chance. Most organizations list coaching and mentoring as two must- have leadership skills. The Leader as Coach Program is designed to help leaders acquire these key leadership competencies and to distinguish between them. They are two overlapping but different process. As we do with all our programs, we customize Leader as Coach to meet your organization’s specific needs.

Training and Development
We understand the importance of developing your employees. They are your company’s future. We also understand that developmental training programs are big investments of your time and money. They must add significant value in order to justify the monetary expenditure and the time commitment. We use this concept as our operating principle when constructing every training program, we offer.
By interviewing key stakeholders, we get a very clear picture of our client’s needs. We build our programs with a particular theme in mind. We make certain that we understand what the client wants as a result of a given training. Then we build it. Everything is customized to meet individual and organizational needs.
We specialize in customized soft skills and leadership training. Each training session is informed by the previous session. This approach allows us to make course corrections throughout the training process. This is a more difficult and time-consuming way to train, but it yields much more robust results than an off- the- shelf program. We invite you to contact us to discuss your organizational needs and to assess whether what we offer fits your needs. We would be pleased to send you a sample of a training we have built for our current clients.

Organizational Consulting
We recognize that it is not enough to have highly trained and talented employees. It is equally important that we assign them to the right roles. When we make these assignments we must take context into account. We work with our clients to ensure that employees take up roles in which they can be successful. We can help change the context in which they operate through organizational insight and intervention.